Thursday, March 5, 2009

Role of tobacco in occurrence of a cancer, parodontium diseases and defeats of an oral cavity

Tobacco is considered by the most important factor at the etiology of a cancer of cells of lungs. In addition plays the important role at the etiology of a cancer of a bladder and a scaly cancer of cells of an oral cavity, various located on a mucous membrane. Other pathological processes connected with the use of tobacco include: intimate and arterial illnesses, especially peripheral atherosclerotic vascular illness, a gastric and guttural cancer, a chronic obstructive bronchitis, low weight of a birth, a delay of intra-uterine development and periodontal disease. The annual gain of smokers among adult men now makes 28 % and adult 22.5 % of women.

Thirty percent from all fatal cases of a cancer and more than 80 % of fatal cases of a cancer of a lung it is caused by tobacco. The parameter of death rate from a cancer of a lung for people was 4.9 on 100,000, in 1930 and it has increased up to 75.6 on 100,000 in 1990. Ninety two percent of a scaly cellular cancer at men and 61 % women which use tobacco.

The centers of the Control and Prevention of Illness in 1999 have informed, that among students of the man of high school tobacco was used: 20 % of white men, 6 % of the Spanish men and 4 % of Afroamerican men. The same report declares, that 48 million adults in America smokes, and half from them will die of illnesses connected with the use of tobacco if they will continue to smoke. Hoffmann and Djordjevic in 1997 has informed, that the habit to chewing tobacco has decreased on 30.6 %, but has increased almost for 52 % addiction to inhalation of tobacco through a nose. Chewing of tobacco represents risk for development of a cancer of an oral cavity. Chewing and smell of tobacco is considered as one of etiological factors of development of a cancer of a cheek, a gum, and throat.

Now annual death rate from tobacco makes 430,000 person. Emission of a tobacco smoke in an environment - the known fact, was informed, that at 87.9 % of children and adults not-users tobacco detected serologic levels of metabolite of nicotine "cotinine" as a result of emission of a tobacco smoke. The risk of occurrence of a cancer of a lung for women who do not smoke but who are in smoking environment, has been estimated as 1 up to 2 % from smokers.

The moderate and heavy forms of a periodontitis - are observed at 25.7 % of smokers of cigarettes, 20.2 % of former smokers of cigarettes and 13.1 % non-smoking. Distinction in prevalence periodontal diseases for these three groups statistically considerably. Prevalence of the moderate and heavy periodontitis at present or former smokers of a cigar / tubes is estimated in 17.6 %.

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