Monday, March 30, 2009

Prostatitis. Symptoms of a prostatitis. Treatment of a chronic prostatitis

The prostatitis - disease so complex and artful, that its treatment represents a greater problem for doctors of all world. However it at all does not mean, that the doctor anything helps sick of a prostatitis cannot, and to go to it it be no point. Not always there is a possibility completely to cure the patient of a prostatitis, but to eliminate symptoms of disease and to cause resistant long-term remission modern medicine in forces. And there duration of this period will already depend on the patient.

The prostatitis can suddenly develop, as sharp inflammatory disease with all corresponding semiology. In this case at the patient heat, a fever, a body temperature 38-39 With, sharp pains in perineum, a groin, for pubis, areas of back pass, painful urination and defecation will be marked.

Unfortunately, the medicine in general and urology in particular cannot boast of achievements in treatment of a syndrome which we name "prostatitis". The cancer of a prostata gland and innocent hyperplasia of prostate gland was intercepted with attention of the scientific, research centers and the pharmaceutical companies. And a prostatitis as " the poor relative " these diseases, remained long time outside of sphere of interests of the advanced medicine. Though all knew, that the echo the "dark horse" amazing prostate gland, and accordingly the attitude to a prostatitis as to "dark horse" was superficial, and sometimes - deformed.

The reasons for it was a little. Was considered, that the prostatitis does not bear direct threat for a life of the patient and, means, with this disease it is possible to adapt to live. Now the situation has cardinally changed, when to one of priorities of modern medicine became quality of a life. Last researches have shown, that the chronic prostatitis is one of frequent clinically and socially significant diseases. And mental health at a chronic prostatitis suffers not less, than at other heavy somatic diseases, that sharply reduces quality of a life of men. And it has served as serious stimulus for studying this problem.

Another very the cardinal error consist that many doctors have been convinced, and the some people till now consider, that the reason of all cases of a prostatitis is the chronic infection which is necessary for treating antibacterial preparations. Already absolutely the fact in evidence considers, that the chronic bacterial prostatitis is rather rare disease and makes only 10 % among all cases of a prostatitis.

One more serious problem are complexities in diagnostics of some forms of a prostatitis, and it is the reason of inadequate and ineffective treatment of such patients, that finally leads frustration both the patient, and the attending physician.

For example, men with urological masks of depression (urethral hypochondriacs) quite often became patients of urologists and many years were treated for a nonexistent prostatitis. It only aggravated opinion on complexity and hopelessness of treatment of a prostatitis. Other typical mistake was the far-fetched interrelation of a chronic prostatitis and erectile dysfunctions. Until recently, the mechanism fo erection has not been studied yet and methods of diagnostics and treatment of infringements erection are not standardized, the majority of the patients addressing to the urologist with AD, there passed inspection and treatment of a chronic prostatitis. In occasion of nonexistent disease of the patient accepted set of antibiotics, to it on a regular basis massed prostate gland and appointed various physiotherapeutic procedures. Thus the erection was not restored, and to the patient the label of "prostatics" that caused serious damage to mental health was attached.


  1. It would be a relief to know that there are some ways in preventing prostatitis. Starting by knowing the symptoms is a great big step and helping yourself to be healthy.


  2. This is an intresting blog that you have posted, you shares a lot of things about BPH Treatment, Kidney Stones Treatment and

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    very informative for us.Thanks

  3. It is really a good news that there is some way to cure prostatitis. Thank you lot to share this information. Prostatitis Treatment

  4. My husband used to have a high fever and pain in his lower part. He consults with few doctors but there was no cure for this dieases unless he started taking capsule therapy of prostatitis treatment.

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