With a diagnosis of a diabetes it is impossible to say good bye for this disease forever. It to not be treated and with it it is necessary to learn to live correctly – to observe necessary recommendations, to support the organism with special procedures.
Sometimes the diabetes proceeds imperceptibly and has not an effect. But nevertheless the certain symptoms are shown sooner or later. Or it reveal casually at inspection, what or other disease.
Besides that, a diabetes could be different, it depends on on the form of a diabetes as well as on a personal condition of every organism. The basic and most popular symptoms at a diabetes are:
1. Sensation of weakness or weariness.
2. Fast fatigue.
3. Dizziness.
4. Frequent urination.
5. Frequent feeling of thirst.
6. Infringement of sight, not clear sight.
7. Fast loss of weight.
8. Temperature drop of a body below an average mark.
9. Spasms of gastrocnemius muscles, numbness and tingling in finitenesses.
10. Slow treatment from infectious diseases and healing of wounds.
It should be also mentioned that symptoms at a diabetes of 1 type differ from symptoms at 2 type. At a diabetes of 1-st type following symptoms are possible: frequent urination, thirst, a nausea, vomiting, loss of weight, weakness, constant feeling of famine, irritation.
Characteristic symptom for children of 1 type sick of a diabetes - night incontinentia urine (it is necessary to pay attention if before it it was not observed).
At a diabetes of 2-th types are observed: an itch, drowsiness, skin infections, slow healing of wounds, numbness legs, loss of hair on legs, an inflammation of an extreme flesh. This type of disease begins more often after 40 years (at mature age), and it is connected with a wrong feed.
If there are similar symptoms it is better to hand over the analysis of blood and urine on the maintenance of sugar. The high level of sugar of blood and presence of sugar in urine as is one of symptoms of disease.
Special diet at a diabetes.
In official medicine it is accepted to differentiate a feed of patients strict diets. They are designated by numbers. A sick diabetes register a diet №9. Certainly, in any diet there are certain specific features, but nevertheless main principles should be observed. This diet is appointed with objective of normalization of a carbohydrate exchange, and the prevention of infringement of a fatty exchange. As to define endurance to carbohydrates, i.e. what quantity of carbohydrates of food is acquired.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Symptoms of a diabetes and what diet should be at a diabetes?
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